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A member registered Jul 08, 2020

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I haven't yet purchased, but so far I'm happy with everything I've been hearing about all of your games (and seeing.)

Definitely looking forward to this one. ^^ 

I'm sorry but this was p funny to read-

I'm sorry your computer is too old for it, though,,,

Thank you for your fast replies! I didn't know that, thank you- despite my love for them I don't play VNs myself often, so I'm not sure if H is a common key for that or not, but thank you for letting me know! 

(4 edits)

Cute! My main gripe is that there's no way to view the CGS without re-playing the route. If there was some way to see the wonderful art that we unlocked (and maybe and extra one for completing the route? ;) Just kidding! Mostly- (I want to be clear I don't mean a risque one just maybe the romanced being just. Adorable in general. Okay that's enough stacking, Pancake--)) it would be great. 

It would probably be a good idea for there to be a moment where the text box doesn't appear when the CG does, at least. That way we can see all of it.

I would also like to warn you that Howl and Feral are flip-flopped. When you hit howl you learn Feral and vice-versa. I do not believe that was intentional, ~vO but it wasn't like, game-ruining or anything.